Registration is closed for the 2024 parade.
Registration completion allows the organizers to build a successful parade, gather contact information, and collect donations to benefit a local charity. We work harder and harder each year with the local law enforcement and border patrol to keep the event safe.
Participants who complete the registration will be receiving a welcome packet on August 31st at Resurgence Brewery pre party event at 4pm-7pm detailing the parade information and it will include a commemorative Mafia Boat Parade Flag.
Up to 250 boats will be registered, once we hit the maximum registration and payment is secured, we will be closing the registration.
Upon completion of your registration, a suggested $30 donation fee is requested. Portions of the proceeds will be going to the FIREFIGHTER ARNO MEMORIAL FUND
Again, registered Boats Will Receive a Commemorative Mafia Boat Parade Flag to be hung from your vessel on parade day.